cce kayak membership.png

Register now for Spring Kayaking Lessons! ➔


Become a member and enjoy kayaking events and programs year-round!


CCE Paddling Club Membership

Kayak with the community all year round! Take advantage of all the benefits of membership and improve your kayaking skills with an annual all-access pass.

New memberships are valid from January 1st to March 31st of the following year. Every membership expires on March 31st each year regardless of when membership begins.

Registration benefits

Lesson Perks

  • Discounted kayak instruction with certified kayak instructors

  • Access to free community paddles with club equipment provided (at the lake and on the river)

  • Discounts on our summer camp registrations

  • Discounts on private lessons, group lessons, winter pool sessions, events, races and more!

Local partner perks

  • 10% off any Adult Intro to Whitewater course with Purple Hayes Kayak School (

  • Rescue Canada Discounts (

    1. Swiftwater Online Awareness Course: $25.00 discount/pp 

    2. Equipment repairs: 10% discount 

    3. Swiftwater Courses (Level 1-3): 15% Discount 

  • Canoe Kayak BC membership & liability coverage

How to register

Click the Link above. It will redirect you to our RAMP registration website.

  • Create an account and login.

  • Click on register as a participant (Coaches, Volunteers and Board Members follow the appropriate link)

  • Click “Add a Family Member” (Multiple Family Members may be linked to one account)

  • Choose Youth, Adult or Family Membership and the appropriate age Category

    • Slalom Members choose Competitive Membership

  • For family membership choose one adult family member ($100) and then add either 1 extra adult family member + 2 youth family members OR add 3 youth family members.


Annual Membership Rates

Competitive Memberships

Community paddles on Cultus Lake