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Safety Policies

cce’s commitment to safety, instruction, and learning


Our commitment to you:

  • Two instructors, or one instructor plus a screened adult volunteer with all youth groups.

  • Ensuring our instructors do not come to work when sick (provision of paid sick leave).

  • A reasonable refund policy for illness related cancellations.

  • Clear signage of all policies, precautions, and guidelines.

Your commitment to us:

  • All participants must be registered club members.

  • You will not attend any lesson, training, or program if you are unwell or have been quarantined.

  • Not to share any equipment, food, or other personal items with other lesson participants.

  • To declare your vaccine status if required for participation in club activities.


Whitewater Code of Safety

Many whitewater accidents are preventable. Here are some simple things you can do to stay safe.

  • Familiarize yourself with the CKC’s code of safety.

  • Ensure you have proper and functioning PFD, whistle, helmet, throw rope and first aid kit.

  • Wear your PFD at all times; many fatal accidents occur in very easy rapids.

  • Know the river to prevent unpleasant surprises. Find out what lies downstream.

  • Avoid paddling during high water and cold temperatures.

Cold Water Safety

Don’t just paddle, Paddle SMART. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you are new to paddling check out Adventure Smart or watch this video for more information.


Safe Sport

Canoe Kayak Canada has a fundamental obligation to protect the health and well-being of the organization, its members and its participants. CKC and its Members (including Clubs) are collectively committed to enacting and enforcing strong, clear, and consistent policies and processes for addressing misconduct.

The CCE Paddling Club has adopted the Canoe Kayak Canada (CKC) Safe Sport Policy


CKC has appointed independent Safe Sport officers that anyone can contact to report or discuss incidents of abuse or harassment of any kind. They may be reached directly and independently through the email address safesport@canoekayak.caThis is a confidential email address which will only be accessed by the Independent Safe Sport Officer. 


An independent Helpline has been set up with the support of Sport Canada and the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada.

Anyone with a concern should reach out to this free and confidential service. Information on their services and how to contact them can be found at; abuse-free-sport.caThe abuse free sport phone and texting line is accesible at 1-888-83-SPORT, and is monitored from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern time.


Canoe Kayak Canada has partnered with the Respect Group to deliver their Activity Leaders Training as the recommended  Safe Sport training for Coaches, Officials, and administrators: Respect in Sport – Activity Leaders Training Portal.